Campus Dining

Student Affairs



To utilize the Grubhub app to order ahead on Auburn’s Campus, you must make your location AUBURN UNIVERTSITY

When using the Dining Dollars on your Tiger Card as a form of payment on Grubhub, choose the “Declining Balance Tiger card option” instead of the “Tiger Club” option

The hours on Grubhub’s app are not a true reflection of the correct hours for On-Campus Dining. To find correct and up-to-date hours, you can reference Aramark’s Tiger Dining page

CHICK-FIL-A does have normal in-person ordering

To have food delivered to you, you can check out the 844-Eats option in the app


Auburn University is now utilizing kiosk to provide a contactless ordering system with the convenience of have it all be in person

You can use your Tiger Card or personal Debit/Credit card at these stations

Regarding CHICK-FIL-A, they have their own check-in kiosk ON LOCATION for when you order online. Order on your app, then you must check-in to the kiosk to confirm your status. Once you have checked in you will be notified when you are able to receive your order

Garden Update

In response to the governor’s Stay-at-Home order, all garden activities will need to be scheduled in order to comply with the social distancing guidelines.  After some thoughtful discussion with Campus Safety, we will be implementing the following rules to allow gardeners to maintain their garden plot while practicing appropriate social distancing.

  • Gardening hours will be limited to 6:00 am – 7:00 pm, 7 days a week.
  • All gardeners will be expected to sign up for a time slot to limit the number of people at the garden at the same time.
    • Please only bring a maximum of 2 people to the garden at a time (This means you can bring yourself and one other person MAXIMUM). This allows us to make sure there are never more than 10 people at the garden at once.
    • You don’t have to come for the full hour that you’ve signed up for, but please limit your garden activities to within the hour period.
    • You may sign up for a MAXIMUM of 6 slots per week.
    • Starting at 7 pm or later the night before, if there are still open time slots for the next day, you may sign-up for an empty slot, even if you have already reached your 6 sign-up limit that week. This also applies to same day sign-ups.
    • If you decide not to come on a day you’ve signed up for, please remove your name from the spreadsheet so someone else can potentially sign-up for that slot last minute.
    • Click HERE to access the sign-up sheet.
  • When you come to the garden during your designated time, you will need to bring a copy of the daily schedule and the permission letter (emailed to you) showing that you have permission to be on university green space. If the police or Campus Safety come to the garden, please show them this letter and let them know you’re allowed to be there per university and state guidelines!
  • All shared tools will be locked up and not available for public use.
  • Please remember to clean and sanitize any common area that may be used (water spigots, hoses, dumpster handle, etc.)

Below is a link to the governor’s statewide social distancing order.

We realize that this is somewhat of an inconvenience but it was necessary to obtain permission for us to continue gardening.  Our hope is that these precautions can be relaxed as the threat of COVID-19 infection recedes.

Compost Bootcamp

THIS EVENT IS POSTPONED. Please visit the Facebook event page (linked below) for updates.


Learn how to compost at home and at the garden with this hands-on composting workshop at the Community Garden! We’ll build a compost bin, showing you how to build your own at home, and explain what should and shouldn’t be composted. Come learn all about composting with us!

Visit our Facebook event page to learn more or to RSVP.

Fraternity Meal Plan Reduction


Fraternity Meal Plan Reduction Information

Tiger Dining provides a reduced meal plan for students who live in on-campus residence halls and are members of a fraternity with a required meal plan.  There is no application required for this program. Greek Life provides a list of qualifying members to the Campus Dining office at the conclusion of each semester. Any credit will be automatically deposited to the student’s Student Financial Services account after final exams are complete.

To be eligible, students must meet both qualifications:

  • They must live in on-campus residence halls, owned and operated by University Housing.
  • They must be a member of a fraternity that has a required meal plan providing at least 10 meals per week.

Note: Students who purchased an “All Access” unlimited plan are not eligible for the reduction.

How it works:

Only the dining dollars portion of the meal plan is eligible for a refund. If there are no dining dollars left, then there will be nothing to refund. However, if you are eligible for a refund, they will be made to your eBill accounts by the end of December (Fall) and the end of May (Spring).


A student is registered for the on-campus default 5 + $450 meal plan which provides 5 meal swipes weekly at Tiger Zone in the Village or The Edge at Central Dining plus $450 dining dollars.  The student also has a required fraternity meal plan for 10 meals weeks at the fraternity house.  At the end of the semester, the student only used $275 of their $450 dining dollars, so they receive a credit of $175.