Author: gwen
August 2020 Community Day
We met on Saturday August 1st from 8 am – 11 am. We enjoyed coffee and bagels, listened to a talk about planning your fall garden by garden manager Marley, and then pulled up some old corn stalks and planted cabbage and broccoli for fall in our donation plots!
September 2020 Community Day
Join us on Saturday, September 5th from 8 am – 11 am for Community Day! There will be free coffee and breakfast provided, an educational talk on a gardening topic, and a volunteer activity. Everyone is welcome, so bring friends, family, and neighbors! We will be social distancing and masks are required.
CGAU featured in Opelika-Auburn News article
Garden Update
In response to the governor’s Stay-at-Home order, all garden activities will need to be scheduled in order to comply with the social distancing guidelines. After some thoughtful discussion with Campus Safety, we will be implementing the following rules to allow gardeners to maintain their garden plot while practicing appropriate social distancing.
- Gardening hours will be limited to 6:00 am – 7:00 pm, 7 days a week.
- All gardeners will be expected to sign up for a time slot to limit the number of people at the garden at the same time.
- Please only bring a maximum of 2 people to the garden at a time (This means you can bring yourself and one other person MAXIMUM). This allows us to make sure there are never more than 10 people at the garden at once.
- You don’t have to come for the full hour that you’ve signed up for, but please limit your garden activities to within the hour period.
- You may sign up for a MAXIMUM of 6 slots per week.
- Starting at 7 pm or later the night before, if there are still open time slots for the next day, you may sign-up for an empty slot, even if you have already reached your 6 sign-up limit that week. This also applies to same day sign-ups.
- If you decide not to come on a day you’ve signed up for, please remove your name from the spreadsheet so someone else can potentially sign-up for that slot last minute.
- Click HERE to access the sign-up sheet.
- When you come to the garden during your designated time, you will need to bring a copy of the daily schedule and the permission letter (emailed to you) showing that you have permission to be on university green space. If the police or Campus Safety come to the garden, please show them this letter and let them know you’re allowed to be there per university and state guidelines!
- All shared tools will be locked up and not available for public use.
- Please remember to clean and sanitize any common area that may be used (water spigots, hoses, dumpster handle, etc.)
Below is a link to the governor’s statewide social distancing order.
We realize that this is somewhat of an inconvenience but it was necessary to obtain permission for us to continue gardening. Our hope is that these precautions can be relaxed as the threat of COVID-19 infection recedes.
Compost Bootcamp
THIS EVENT IS POSTPONED. Please visit the Facebook event page (linked below) for updates.
Learn how to compost at home and at the garden with this hands-on composting workshop at the Community Garden! We’ll build a compost bin, showing you how to build your own at home, and explain what should and shouldn’t be composted. Come learn all about composting with us!
Open Garden Work Day
Need to have your plot tilled? Just want an excuse to spend the morning puttering around the garden? Come on out for an open garden work day. The garden crew will be on hand to assist you and to provide any tools that you may need to get your spring planting started.
Let’s talk soil health!
Niamke Shropshire-Boykin is a senior Horticulture student at Auburn University and the president of the Organic Gardening Club. He will be giving a hands-on talk about the importance of feeding the soil, and the benefits of supporting a diverse soil microbiome in your garden. Open to the public.
Time: 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Location: Foy Hall 105, Auburn University (next to Panda Express)
February 2020 Community Day & Garden Orientation
Join us on Saturday, February 29th from 9 am – noon for our first Community Day of the year! This event will also serve as orientation for all new gardeners, and will be a chance for all gardeners to meet and get to know each other at the start of the season. There will be free coffee and breakfast provided! Looking forward to seeing you all there!
November 2019 Community Day
November 9, 2019: This Community Day was spent planting our winter greens crops that we started in the greenhouse earlier this fall. We planted two types of kale, collard greens, and cabbages. We topped the morning off with a tasty BBQ potluck!